The one element required in large amounts by organisms is Carbon. It is the most common constituent of plant life, representing 50% to 60% of the dry weight of all plant tissue. Carbon is taken up by the plant as carbon dioxide, a compound found in the atmosphere in very low levels, and thus is often one of most limiting factors in foliage development. In what is known as “The Carbon Cycle”, micro-organism digest organic matter and release carbon dioxide into the soil, and eventually into the air around the plants. It is taken in by plants for the manufacture of carbohydrates, proteins, and oils.
When too much Nitrogen is applied to the soil, it induces a carbohydrate deficiency which in turn reduces bacterial populations. Carbohydrates (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen) are the sugar energy source upon which bacterial populations thrive. Most microbial forms oxidize organic carbons as a source of nutrition. Nitrogen is used by plants to synthesize amino acids which in turn form proteins, which are part of the protoplasm of all living cells. Nitrogen is also required by plants for utilizing other vital compounds such as chlorophyll, nucleic acids, and enzymes.
Elemental nutrients, because of the nature of the electrical charges of their molecular makeup, can have a dramatic affect on plant health. Their relationship to each other in terms of balance, can affect the plants vitality, for example: A plant tissue analysis may reveal that there is a Calcium deficiency, yet a soil sample from the soil in which the plant exists reveals an abundance of Calcium. The soil content of Calcium is in a form that is “tied up” or bonded to matter in the soil and not usable by the plant. Micro-organisms can alter these compounds to allow ready availability.
Phosphorous is essential to all living cells, being utilized in the formation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). It is also used in the storage and transfer of energy. Most of the Phosphorous in soils is tied-up chemically with compounds of limited solubility. The application of complexed Phosphates will help release this bond and make more Phosphorous available to the plant. Many other essential elemental nutrients are governed by similar conditions involving compatibility with each other, and the soil/plant environment.
ViTech’s proprietary formulations involving Carbon complexing of nutrients allow for short term response in correcting nutritional imbalances, and subsequently restoring plant vigor.