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Plant Tissue pH

Plant Tissue pH = Energy

The liquid pH values of plant tissue have been used as an accurate, simple but important method of determining the following:

1)    Enzymatic breakdown of carbohydrates (sugars) for proper growth & vitality of the plant.

2)    Risk potential for insect damage.

3)    Risk potential for foliar disease attack.

4)    Nutritional balance in the growing crop.

5)    Quality of nutritional balance in the fresh fruit or vegetable crop to be harvested

6)    Shelf storage quality of fresh fruits and vegetables.

We can define pH as a number equal to the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration within a solution.  In our case, the solution is the liquid of the plant cell.  It is important to know that a change in the pH of a solution by one unit equals a change in the hydrogen ion concentration by tenfold.  If the pH is increased or decreased by two units, the hydrogen ion concentration changes one hundred fold!  You can see why what appears to be only a slight shift in pH can mean disaster.

Once a pH shift has occurred in the cellular liquid outside a 0.5 point from the normal  6.4, a tissue sample test should be taken to determine exact imbalances and what materials should be applied.

An indirect method of determining the energy levels of a plant is by the carbohydrate (sugars) levels in the cell liquid.  For this test, a refractometer is used to determine the level of sucrose in the cellular fluid.  This reading is referred to as the “Brix” scale.

Quite often there is an insect attack when the plant cellular tissue pH goes too high which causes a localized, rapid energy loss (drop in pH) and results in a localized tissue disease attack.   Tissue pH adjustments can stop disease of insect attacks once they have started.

A pH of 7, which is neutral, within the cell fluid means that the liquid contains 100 percent saturation by cations other than Hydrogen.  (In other words, a neutral solution contains no hydrogen ions.)  At a plant’s ideal cellular fluid pH of 6.4, the saturation of cations other than hydrogen is about 88%.   At 88% saturation of principally Ca, Mg, K and Na, the intensity of the ionization and activity of the elements as electrically charged ions generates a hertzian electrical oscillation of a frequency of 7.5 to 32 hertz which is the “healthy” frequency of all living cells.  To decrease the cellular pH to 6.0 is to lower the saturation of the above four principle elements to 80%, thus lowering the hertzian oscillation potential (frequency) to a level of attraction to all plant pathogens.

The same process occurs in animal and human cells.  The hydrogen accumulation in the cell tissue means the saturation of Ca, Mg, K and Na is decreasing causing the frequency to decline.  This low frequency leaves the cells easy targets for bacterial and viral attack or other malfunctions such as that of the somatid (energy to matter link) discussed earlier.  The reported cellular shift from the normally healthy state of the 3 - phase somatid cycle to the potentially harmful 16 - phase cycle could be caused by this frequency shift of the basic element content of the cells.

For a rapid adjustment of low pH, Calcium can be foliar applied in small amounts per acre.  To quickly bring down a pH that is too high, small amounts of Phosphate can be applied to the foliage.  However, these types of quick fixes are usually only temporary and should only be used while awaiting a complete tissue test analysis.

If this energy release or link breaking occurs faster than the cell can use it (energy) then energy is lost into the air.  This condition usually occurs when the cell liquid pH is below 6.4 and most often indicates low Ca and higher K.  The reverse can occur also if the links in the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sugar are broken too slowly (low enzyme activity) the plant is starved for the proper energy needed for growth.  This usually occurs from low Mn or Zn or under high Nitrogen / high tissue pH levels coupled with drought stress.

Maintenance of proper nutrient balance and pH will assure that a plant is positioned to grow and produce with minimal affect of potential disease, infestation, or weather related stress.


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